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Steps to build your custom home at Maravia
1 Maravia prepares a draft floor plan* (based upon information provided by the lot owner) and presents the draft to the lot owner
*all plans prepared by Maravia are the property of Maravia
2 Lot owner provides Maravia with tentative floor plan approval
3 Maravia provides preliminary home cost to lot owner
4 Home Purchaser provides Maravia with tentative construction cost approval
5 Lot owner pays Maravia a refundable* design fee
*When the lot owner selects Maravia as the builder, the design fee is credited to the lot owner’s home purchase (applied as a part of the down payment); if owner elects not to contract with Maravia to build, the design fee and plans are retained by Maravia
6 Architects work with home purchaser to develop final plans
7 7a. Maravia presents Home Purchaser with final home plans; and,
7b. Maravia presents Home Purchaser with final cost estimates
8 Home Purchaser approves plans and costs
9 Home Purchaser requests a Home Purchase Contract* be prepared (*future revisions, if any, can be made through modification orders)
10 Home Purchase Contract is prepared by Maravia and presented to the Home Purchaser for signature
11 Home Purchaser signs Home Purchase Contract and Maravia signs Home Purchase Contract
12 Home Purchaser makes first payment*
*The design fee is credited to the lot owner’s home purchase as a part of the down payment
Construction of your home begins

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